ThurlestoneGolf Club
Thurlestone Golf Club has a total of 12 tennis courts - 2 hard courts available all year; 10 grass courts available May to September.
Booking of courts
Using the courts is FREE to all Golf & Tennis Members but all courts must still be booked on line by clicking here
Club events, tournaments and competitions and coaching are all pre-booked. Hard courts (Nos 11 & 12) are available throughout the year and ten grass courts (Nos 1 to 10) weather permitting May to September.
Friends and family of members are always welcome at £5 per session as an Adult and £3 per session as a Junior (max 5 per year) payable in the Pro Shop or to any Committee Member, or member of staff.
Pay & Play
Non members are welcome to book and play on the day. The cost for a 1 hour session is £20. Please book and pay at the Pro Shop ( 01548 560715) on arrival.
Mix-In SessionsEveryTuesdays and Thursday mornings all year 10.00am-12.00pm (mid-July to end August 14.00 - 16.00pm).
Wednesday evenings May to September from 5.00pm.
All members and visitors are welcome.
Recognised tennis shoes and appropriate clothing is expected to be worn on the courts. Please use the golf or tennis changing rooms.
Events, Competitions and Tournaments
A comprehensive programme of events is organised by the Tennis Committee. Notices will be posted on the tennis section notice board along with entry lists and other details.
Holiday Programme
Junior, Men's, Ladies' and mixed doubles tournaments are held throughout July and August. Mini/tennis coaching (ages 5-11) sessions are held every morning.
Individual and group caoching is available for adults and juniors please contact Sarah Harvey sarahharvey66@gmail.com 01548 562142 07427 741858.
For general advice and further details please contact Janet Richardson janet.r@uwclub.net 05148 856007 07950002265