ThurlestoneGolf Club
On Tuesday December 5th the seniors held the Ron Bancroft Cup. Conditions at the start could be described as difficult with a brisk wind and rain showers. Later in the day conditions improved with the odd appearance of the sun making conditions much more acceptable.
The format of play is known as Greensomes with 34 players .Due to the previous day's weather conditions two players were unfortunately forced to withdraw due to the course's Buggy ban.
On the day two nearest the pin prizes on the 5th and the 17th were won by Malcolm Toone and Martin Beck. In addition there were two nearest the pin in two prizes on the 7th and 16th holes, unfortunately nobody managed to find the green in two on the seventh hole. However Paul Milburn Fryer Captain and Gary Keen won the nearest to the pin on the 16th.
Only one birdie two was recorded on all the par threes' and this was by the pairing of Ken Lee and Howel Jones.
In the main competition third place was awarded to Jeremy Poyntz and Malcom Breton with 36 points won on a count back. Second place was awarded to Tony Adams with Graham Bromilow with 39 points. First place was awarded to Club Captain Paul Milburn Fryer and Gary Keen with 40 points.
Many thanks to Joan from the Pro shop who kindly made up RBC scoring cards , the catering team who provided food , and all of those who participated in the day.
In addition many thanks to Geoff Holt who provided financial support for the food and prizes from the Seniors roll-ups .
Wishing you all Seasons Greetings
Gary Keen