
Thurlestone Golf Club

Entrant List for South Devon Seniors League (Closed Event)

60 players have been signed up for this competition as of 9:59 AM Sunday 2nd February

Tim Arnold (Bovey Castle Golf Club)
Malcolm Breton (25.8)
Mike Brewer (Stover Golf Club)
S G Brundan (Bovey Castle Golf Club)
Roger Carpenter (Dainton Park Golf Club)
Philip Catchpole (Bovey Castle Golf Club)
Peter Coates (17.3)
Geoff Corbett (Bigbury)
Micheal Daniels (Bigbury)
Toby Downer (Stover Golf Club)
David Doyle (16.4)
Roger Edwards (Bigbury)
Alec Esplin (18.1)
Colin Evans (Dainton Park Golf Club)
Russell Fifer (Bovey Castle Golf Club)
Colin George (2.9)
Neil Goddard (Stover Golf Club)
Barry Goff (Bovey Castle Golf Club)
Alan Green (Stover Golf Club)
Patrick Hastings (Dainton Park Golf Club)
John Hayman (Stover Golf Club)
Neil Hayman (Stover Golf Club)
Jason Holtom (Bigbury)
Christopher Horrell (Stover Golf Club)
Adrian Hughes (Stover Golf Club)
Eddie Inch (Bigbury)
Martin Kenny (Bigbury)
Michael Lang (Dainton Park Golf Club)
James Lavelle (Dainton Park Golf Club)
Graham Lawrence (Dainton Park Golf Club)
Ian Linkins (17.4)
Nick Lipson (16.2)
Trevor Maxwell (Bovey Castle Golf Club)
Alan Montier (Dainton Park Golf Club)
Ben More (Bovey Castle Golf Club)
Keith Naylor (Bigbury)
Stuart Newberry (Bigbury)
Brian Newman (Stover Golf Club)
Peter Newman (Bigbury)
Martin Oakes-Monger (16.1)
Chris Oldershaw (22.2)
Richard Pascoe (Stover Golf Club)
Tony Pitcher (Bigbury)
Owen Rees (25.5)
Christopher Rowe (Dainton Park Golf Club)
Garry Scargill (Bovey Castle Golf Club)
Robert Scotland (Stover Golf Club)
Paul Silk (Stover Golf Club)
Chris Southgate (Bovey Castle Golf Club)
Malcolm Sunley (Bovey Castle Golf Club)
Pete Symes (Dainton Park Golf Club)
Charlie Thomson (Bigbury)
Don Thomson (14.9)
Phil Towner (Bigbury)
Robert Vooght (Stover Golf Club)
Richard Charles Webb (Dainton Park Golf Club)
Alistair Whalley (6.5)
Neville Wilkinson (Bovey Castle Golf Club)
Jamie Wilson (Bovey Castle Golf Club)
Stuart Witheridge (Dainton Park Golf Club)

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