ThurlestoneGolf Club
60 players have been signed up for this competition as of 9:59 AM Sunday 2nd February
Tim Arnold (Bovey Castle Golf Club) |
Malcolm Breton (25.8) |
Mike Brewer (Stover Golf Club) |
S G Brundan (Bovey Castle Golf Club) |
Roger Carpenter (Dainton Park Golf Club) |
Philip Catchpole (Bovey Castle Golf Club) |
Peter Coates (17.3) |
Geoff Corbett (Bigbury) |
Micheal Daniels (Bigbury) |
Toby Downer (Stover Golf Club) |
David Doyle (16.4) |
Roger Edwards (Bigbury) |
Alec Esplin (18.1) |
Colin Evans (Dainton Park Golf Club) |
Russell Fifer (Bovey Castle Golf Club) |
Colin George (2.9) |
Neil Goddard (Stover Golf Club) |
Barry Goff (Bovey Castle Golf Club) |
Alan Green (Stover Golf Club) |
Patrick Hastings (Dainton Park Golf Club) |
John Hayman (Stover Golf Club) |
Neil Hayman (Stover Golf Club) |
Jason Holtom (Bigbury) |
Christopher Horrell (Stover Golf Club) |
Adrian Hughes (Stover Golf Club) |
Eddie Inch (Bigbury) |
Martin Kenny (Bigbury) |
Michael Lang (Dainton Park Golf Club) |
James Lavelle (Dainton Park Golf Club) |
Graham Lawrence (Dainton Park Golf Club) |
Ian Linkins (17.4) |
Nick Lipson (16.2) |
Trevor Maxwell (Bovey Castle Golf Club) |
Alan Montier (Dainton Park Golf Club) |
Ben More (Bovey Castle Golf Club) |
Keith Naylor (Bigbury) |
Stuart Newberry (Bigbury) |
Brian Newman (Stover Golf Club) |
Peter Newman (Bigbury) |
Martin Oakes-Monger (16.1) |
Chris Oldershaw (22.2) |
Richard Pascoe (Stover Golf Club) |
Tony Pitcher (Bigbury) |
Owen Rees (25.5) |
Christopher Rowe (Dainton Park Golf Club) |
Garry Scargill (Bovey Castle Golf Club) |
Robert Scotland (Stover Golf Club) |
Paul Silk (Stover Golf Club) |
Chris Southgate (Bovey Castle Golf Club) |
Malcolm Sunley (Bovey Castle Golf Club) |
Pete Symes (Dainton Park Golf Club) |
Charlie Thomson (Bigbury) |
Don Thomson (14.9) |
Phil Towner (Bigbury) |
Robert Vooght (Stover Golf Club) |
Richard Charles Webb (Dainton Park Golf Club) |
Alistair Whalley (6.5) |
Neville Wilkinson (Bovey Castle Golf Club) |
Jamie Wilson (Bovey Castle Golf Club) |
Stuart Witheridge (Dainton Park Golf Club) |